Monday, March 2, 2009

I just realised that i haven't contributed much to my rather dead blog.. ITS DEAD !! HAHA xD exams are coming up and im telling you. *smile* okay.. no serious, im not ready. so what am i going to do.. hmm.. maybe i should skip more classes ! wahaha !! nahh, i actually sat in science class today. sometimes its just so hard to understand when a teacher is trying to explain science in BM. what does having confident and independent mean anyway?? sorry. but thats what she wrote on the board. today, we had a kinda weird moment in class, asyrif brought two barbie dolls, a few pairs of bathroom/hotel slippers, hairdryer, air freshener that smells like toilet, an electric massager, a captain jack sparrow hat and many many more random stuff .. basically the hairdryer was used to blow their armpits ! YUCKK !! also today john, linus, angelene, melissa, yee ling and i went around school with john's camera video-ing people saying hi. yes, what retarded people would do that. but as i mentioned.. we're retards xD okay, that was rather lame.. there are more pictures to come by, but im finding my best excuse. L.a.z.y :) oh oh, i dint mention before but GR is a scary cat xD hahaha !!


its a love story baby just say yes :)

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