Friday, September 5, 2008

Hsu Zen *stares* at the countdown.. *blur blur blur* I CANNOT IMAGINE THAT PMR IS HERE !! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Very stress stress stress..

Lines usually heard.
- You scared then u study la
- You know its not too late to study ya know.
- Zen, please. Its for your own good. For your future.

Opens book.. *snores* could someone text me so that I wouldn't fall asleep?! xD

So yes. This is what i am. Anyway, i am under a very weird and strange sickness. Wanna hear what is it? Its not prescribed by the doctor. Wait it is. But its by Doctor Lee Hsu Zen. And when did it happen? When she lived up her plastic stethoscope and put it at her heart. Hsu Zen Lee is currently under O.D.D ( Obsessive David Disorder) WOW !! MAJOR SICKNESS !! *claps* And the only way to heal her is.. There's no medicine xD hahaha !! sorry. I'm really retarded lately. I guess its all the exams and all that are hitting into my brain. And they aren't functioning well? Hong Ling just introduced me to the most emo/nice/sentimental/sleeping song. But its really nice. You can listen to it with urself by the corner. Emo much? Or or.. When u fail to sleep at night. Or maybe its a crying song.. Think of all the OLD OLD OLD OLD memories. Its called.. River Flows In You by Yurima o.O Yes yes, I'm rambling once again. Better stop blogging la.

my birthday present anyone? xD

I would be glad .


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